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Webhooks are a way for applications to communicate with each other in real-time by sending data over HTTP when specific events occur.


Blazam utilizes a subscription model for webhooks.

Each connection is subscribed to specific event types.

For now, webhooks subscriptions are domain wide, but per OU subscriptions may come in a future update.

Subscription Options

Each subscription can listen for certain event types, send via POST or GET (only POST is implemented for now), a destination URL, SSL validation, and an authorization token if required.

Webhook Creation

To create a subscription, go to Configure->Webhooks and create a new connection.

Each connection shows the status of the last communication attempt to allow for easy identification of misccofigured connections.

Audit and Monitoring

Webhooks by their very nature, are transparent. Failure is invisible to the web app user. Therefore, extensive auditing of webhooks is recorded by Blazam.

Every attempted message is recorded with failure details. To monitor webhook activity go to Audit->Webhooks