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Manual Installation


  • Install an SQL Express, MS SQL, MySQL, MariaDB server, or use an existing one. Alternatively, opt for the file based Sqlite DatabaseType.
  • Create an empty database, a new database user to connect with, and permissions and logons set. If you chose Sqlite, choose a destination directory and prepare folder permissions.
    • Refer to your database documentation for security setup and best practices
  • Download and Install .NET Core 6.x Runtime from Microsoft


Install under IIS

Feel free to deviate from the instructions to fit your desired deployment

  1. Install the Application Initialization Module (Optional)
    • You can find the module under Server Roles -> Web Server -> Application Developer -> Application Initialization.
  2. Copy contents of zip file to a directory accessible by IIS
  3. Create new Site in IIS for Blazam

    • Point the root directory to the directory you unzipped the files to.
  4. Set ApplicationPool to AlwayRunning (Optional)

    • In IIS Manager, right click on the application pool under which the application runs and select Advanced Settings.
    • Set start mode to Always Running.
  5. Set IIS Site to Preload (Optional)

    • In IIS Manager, right click on the site for the application, select Manage Website -> Advanced Settings and set the Preload Enabled value to true.
  6. Continue with Configuration

Install as Service

  1. Extract the application to C:\Program Files\Blazam
  2. Using nssm.exe in the extracted files, install BLAZAM.exe as a service.
  3. Continue with Configuration