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Self-update is now in Beta. You can also set up automatic updates. Check the auto update page for more info.

Blazam can update itself regardless of how it is installed.

Self-Update Setup

Some manual configuration is necessary to perform self-updates for now.

First decide the account to use. There are two approved options.

  1. Use the Active Directory Credentials provided to Blazam
  2. Use a custom set of credentials. (This can be a local user account with no administrative permissions, but granted management permissions to IIS or the service)

Finally, apply write permissions to the application installation directory for the chosen account.


To update go to Configure -> Settings -> Update, if an update is available, an update button and release notes will be available.

During a self update Blazam backs up the current installation to C:\Windows\temp\Blazam\backup\ or wherever the running user's temporary folder is configured.